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Brewer's Blog

Beer related geeky mumbo jumbo

Why The Long Face? Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal Stout

Posted by Hop Hooligans on

We kinda have the habit of taking a simple idea and then adding a lot more stuff to it. Of course, we’re not just gonna throw things in there like you would on an ugly, kitschy Christmas tree, but rather think of ingredients that would fit well together.This one started as an exercise in oats. We wanted to brew something that would take up as much as half of all the malt bill in oat flakes. At the risk of a slow wort transfer and lower starch conversion, but looking to get that special thickness that only ladies in rap...

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New Lands. Norwegian Farmhouse IPA.

Posted by Hop Hooligans on

Let’s try something new.Because we seem to be pumping out new beers on a regular basis, it wouldn’t hurt to write a few more words about each one. Maybe some educational stuff, maybe some pointers, maybe stuff that we wanted to come out differently, or maybe just a few bad jokes to misdirect attention.We’ve been talking with Radu from Wicked Barrel for quite some time, trying to cook up something interesting. Interesting, as in weird, totally alien to Romania, maybe not even that well known amongst other brewers in the world.We couldn’t really say groundbreaking. It’s easy to learn in...

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